Alpen Foods​
Objective: Increase sales of Alpen Muesli.
In 2011, Alpen Foods was selling 10 times more Nutrific packs on a monthly basis than Alpen Muesli. As a result, Mango Moon proposed inserting a booklet into the 450g Nutrific pack to promote Alpen Muesli. The booklet incorporated nutritional information on Alpen Muesli, a price-off voucher on the purchase of Alpen Muesli and a competition. The booklet was inserted into 600,000 packs of Nutrific which went into selected outlets during October, November and December.
The results:
- Nutrific sales were 16.5% higher for the October to December period than the previous three months.
- Alpen Muesli sales grew by 32.3% over the same period.
- There were over 15,000 competition entries